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Jumat, 01 Februari 2013

Flare and swipe ( Power Moves )

hey guys!
nice to meet you again in my blog!
after you learn how to windmill ( previous post ) you should be able to do a Flare and Swipe!
before start, you must know what is flare and what is swipe..
flare is the basic move that you must to know..
This move is very challenging and take a long time to learn, so make sure you practice it a lot and don't give up.this is the tutorial of the Flare!

thats the flare!

now I will teach you something about Swipe!
Swipe is the basic power move which need a strong waist, strong arm, strong foot, motion, and form..
This is a fairly difficult move so you want to make sure you drill it over and over until you get the basic motion and form. Once you get the hang of it do 5 swipes at a time over and over until they clean.
this is the tutorial about swipe!
Check This out man!

this 2 moves need more patient than windmill..
because it's very very very difficult to learn..
you will get 1 move around 4-5 month..
keep practising and don't forget to use the gloves and wrishtband, because it is quite hurt when you fall down or fail when kick your legs, so be careful!

thank you and God Bless!


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